I am a servant and ambassador to Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.
I am also called & ordained as one of His prophets & evangelists. - this is not a boast, but a statement of fact.
Be forewarned of the terrible consequences of maligning and rejecting THE TRUTH & MESSAGE I have given forth and sent forth all over these forums. every word of it has been the Truth, ... including the rebukes to the arrogant & the haters and those {consciously or unconsciously} aligned with antichrist.
Beware also of the serious consequences of siding with antichrist, satanic enemies who attack both me and what I share. For if you align with the antichrist-enemies against me: you align yourself with the enemies of Christ, - and this is NOT a small, minor offense or infraction in the sight of GOD.
I have found and have seen over & over again that it is true: He defends and avenges His servants. beware. beware! of siding with the enemy against His servants. for the enemies of Jesus Christ & His Kingdom today are legion: and they are ALL headed straight for hell & damnation. - and they need to be warned plainly. ... at this late hour they need to be WARNED clearly, ... not cuddled or argued with and debated with endlessly.
So, it would seem that I am no longer able to post on this forum. I was given no notice of this nor reason for it.
What's up with that?