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Updated:October 18, 2020 7:11 pm
Last visit:Yesterday at 7:03 pm
Member Since:April 3, 2011 7:15 pm
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beavercreek,ohio ;)
November 21
i like to watch NFL on sundays and monday nights,
i all so flip channels to watch American pickers pawnshops,
and on thursday nights i wastch BEYOND SCARED STAIGHT, and on saturday nights
i watch msnbc lockup,;) love that show,;) and ill add this , also for thos wondondering
what else i do ,. for past 20 years every thursday morin
at 6 am im out door no matter the weather rain fog , hellstorm,
heat or if its below zero out ;) iv got over 600 people that
save me there beer and pop cans i go up to there garage
and get them, there in sake or bucket
i just jump them in my trash sacks in my huge bike bascket ;)
lot of them bring me there cans and when
i open the garage door in morings lol there sackes of cans piled up
some times theres 25 bags ,;)i dont drink or do drugs,
and iv used the money buy my self new $3000 log splitter,
new friz for mom for christmas even bought my self
new cube rear tine tiller 10 hp and new 10 hp troybuilt snowblower,
plus new john deere trackor, i like to spend money,
lol and lowes loves me ,YAY
Astrological sign
Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)
i split wood .
Personal Quote
My Ride
three wheel costom made bike at cost of $3.500 iv got
two of them ,;)
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Bella (Isabella308)
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