Palms , Psalms , and...

Palms , Psalms , and Purfles ! (john1940)

Palms , Psalms , and Purfles ! (john1940)
  • Updated:March 17, 2020 8:46 am
  • Last visit:May 12, 2023 8:01 am
  • Member Since:February 24, 2013 5:28 am
February 13
Aquarius (Jan 19-Feb 18)

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180cm approx.(shrinking )
80 kg ,depending on breakfast
bluish-green , in the right light
disappearing ,mainly whitish .
varies with duties , most commonly in shorts and appropriate T-shirts.
Catholic , as in practising .
however , through Church rules , and my personal conscience , do not receive Communion .
is that too much info , for everyone ?
puzzling perhaps ? talk to me , then , please.
Australian - Celtic
vote only for the person , NEVER the party .
very aware of the environment , and of the world's finite resources .
pretty standard , for a mere male.try always to pleasure my partner .

too much info again ? ! hey , that's me !
de facto .
5 daughters , 2 step-daughters , 1 step-son.
stamp collector.
volunteer literacy , and numeracy tutor in our State Education Department , since beginning of 2008.
also have voluntarily tutored , and mentored , in our Catholic Education system.
Cricket " tragic " !
hopefully , am open-minded , and inquisitive , which is why the title Open minded Catholics and Others attracted me .

too much info again ? ! at least i'm consistent !