
  • Updated:October 30, 2009 2:48 am
  • Last visit:January 31, 2010 10:57 am
  • Member Since:December 13, 2003 8:07 am
Upon a darkened road

February 1
Aquarius (Jan 19-Feb 18)
~My hands are numb as all feeling is lost so waiting in patience for what time has forgot, I see no light for darkness is all that I am, by this I am free from all things I have yet to understand~
~My beleifs come alive in tha thoughts you wish to hide, in tha same likeness of tha entrapping doom of tha grave that envelopes your soul to dust so are of my thoughts which I shall never entrust~
~Like that of a shadow casted dream comes forgotten memories of tha past I can not truely grasp, my soul becomes like that of shattered glass while tha gates of death comes to me with each passing breath~
~I proclaim no alliance with man nor gods for I do not desire their rewards, tempt me they may though I stand alone, a dark dream is what I know, fear I shall never show as a heart is heavy forever yerning to grow, and now my eyes are closed~

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Dark Brown
I ware what I want
well I no atheist
White with a tan haha
yea right
I a ladies man
single-yea still single this keeps up and I might jus become a monk.....or maybe not