
  • Updated:January 17, 2025 9:52 am
  • Last visit:Today at 10:27 am
  • Member Since:September 25, 2008 4:21 pm
Aquarius (Jan 19-Feb 18)
Sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits.

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used to be reddish brown fabulous hair
What the occasion calls for. No occasion then T shirt. But on a different note what's good in cliff note version - Rock and Roll, Mystery, Suspense, Anticipation. Beautiful and fun things or people. Outside and Inside. History is more interesting to me now. True stories of days ago and how they may have thought in the world they knew. I like a lot of things. Some too much. Top movies actors at the moment.:

Gary Oldman - Daniel Day Lewis - Edward Norton - Javier Bardem - James Gandolphini - Christopher Walken List could change order or people on any given day and probably should.

Favorite Bands: On what day? And at what time? But most have guitars, bass, piano, and drums. Let's not forget vocal harmony. Don't do it. And other instruments from the orchestra strategically placed.
Tongue tied on that one


O Henry, Edgar Allen Poe, Jon Krakauer
stimulating kind
a select few