Snow (tjssnowfire)

Snow (tjssnowfire)

Snow (tjssnowfire)
  • Updated:August 31, 2011 12:14 am
  • Last visit:September 6, 2013 1:16 pm
  • Member Since:January 26, 2003 10:28 am
Near the top of one of the ridges in the Appalachain Mountains
Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)
You can't take it with you so why spend so much time and energy fighting to earn it?

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I don't care what's in - if I like it, its fashion.
I believe in God
Looking for an honest Politician with a previous Military Career


Mystery-Crime with humor like the Cat Series, Religious like Left Behind Series
US News, Time, Newsweek, Readers Digest, Gardening magazines
I read Newspapers from East Coast cities
Comedys, True Life Stories
24, CSI, Deal or No Deal, Army Wives, The Wanted
All except Rap
Football - NCAA and NFL, Baseball
Dallas Cowboys and Florida State, but I watch about all of them
Camping in a place with family activities; must have a pool
Steak, Pizza, Baked Potato, A great grilled out hamburger and hot dog; Good Country Fried Chicken Breast, Fresh Corn on the cob