
  • Updated:April 26, 2024 7:03 am
  • Last visit:February 11, 2025 7:00 am
  • Member Since:April 7, 2004 8:35 am
reedsville wi
September 18
Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)
former skilled trade worker, former head of Maintenace... now retired
he who works with his hands is a laborer.. he who works with his hands and mind is a craftsman .. and he who works with his hands, mind, and heart .. is an artist
my bikes (motorcycles) my jeep and what ever I can get my hands on
I am my own character

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6 ft
blue or sometimes green depends on the mood I'm in
blonde what's left of it
if it's clean .. I wear it
wake up in the morning at sunrise.. go sit on a beach try not to be amazed
most poltical officals are corupt
there was an orientation???? dammmn!!1 musta been out riding my bike that day!!! is there a make-up test??
single and staying that way for now , willing to be friends with a woman , but that's about it
3 all grown and all out of the house
amater jury rigger... I make do with what i have on hand or can re-cycle , I think of it as not what it was ... but what it can be


you mean ppl actually write books?/
almost anything I can get my hands on
catalogs!!! woo hoo! surplus, milatary, you name it!
great for fire starting
action, drama, tearjerkers..if it's good I watch it
startrek in any form, PBS, news...
hmmm no real faves except clint eastwood
rock, cassical, soft rock jazz, definitly NO RAP!!!!
could really care less
see above
anyplace but here
if it doesn't move .. i'll try it. and if it does .. well.. i'd think about it