Everyday Advocate (S...

Everyday Advocate (SPRINGPAM)

Everyday Advocate (SPRINGPAM)
  • Updated:February 7, 2012 10:44 am
  • Last visit:June 5, 2015 10:47 pm
  • Member Since:May 4, 1997 10:06 pm
in the heart of Texas
Gemini (May 21-Jun 20)
Many and varied.
I hate winter!
and I don't do mornings.

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slowly shrinking at the half century mark
coming down, also slowly
natural? or otherwise
comfort is what really matters.
If you judge me by what brand I wear, you are not the friend for me
only in my head, not infringing on anyone else's communications with the mother ship.
varied across Europe and the continental United States.
Progressive Liberal
yes - preferably with a loving, caring, and committed man
married more than single


don't get to those much lately either. more fun at home where you control the projector.