
  • Updated:December 19, 2012 2:24 pm
  • Last visit:July 28, 2018 8:46 am
  • Member Since:June 17, 2001 11:26 pm
MI...Middle of the "Mitten" originally. Living on the road since 2002 and for the next several years. Trying to get lost on purpose maybe.
March 10
Sci Fi...almost anything motorcycles and rock/n/roll along with country.
Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)
professional retired biker
I'd rather fail doing something I love than succeed doing something I hate....G.Burns
'97 Kawasaki Concours but I'm saving up for something newer.

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5' 11"...I seem to be shrinking.
what's left is a flattering gray?
My toes are color blind so I don't care if my socks match or not.
Independent. There's too many idiots on both sides of the aisle.
Hey..I've been in the bush a long long time...what's sex?
Divorced and runnin'. Don't mean to, it's just what happens. They wink and I start to stutter and it goes downhill from there.
4--3 bee-eautiful daughters and a son I couldn't be more proud of and I can't imagine life without'em. Have 4 grandchildren with 2 more on the way.