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Updated:July 31, 2012 3:28 pm
Last visit:September 2, 2013 9:25 pm
Member Since:April 15, 2006 11:13 pm
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The Garden State and I've been here all 375 months of my life!
That's my a/l so you don't have to worry about PM'in me to ask. You're welcome.
your mom
Most people know this is a joke, and they laugh. But for those who don't get it, you should just X out my profile now. It only gets worse.
Astrological sign
Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)
I make little ones count...
Personal Quote
When I die, it will not matter what car I drove, size house I had, or how much money was in my bank account. All that will matter is that I made a difference in the life of a child.
My Ride
See My Interest ;0)
RPG Character
~Lady Kay~ ~KareBearKay~ ~Peachy_Vodka~ ~KbK~ or just good ole Kay!
Find me and all my other wacky nicks in:
~Safe Harbors
~Tasty Morsels
~Angels And Demons
~The Perfect Dream
~Bifem Lounge
or in a room near you!
I expect to see you there... seriously, Ill be waiting....
Profile Ads
Fashion Statement
I tend to wear clothes...when I have to.
a lil of this...
a lil of that...
Political Stance
Strong on my right leg with my arms crossed, but not sagging my pants. That's just dumb.
Sexual Orientation
Took that class... now Ima teacher
Relationship Status
You know how when you hear someones ringtone and you get all giggly and excited?!
Hundreds. 19 this year alone!
Personal Ad
So it would seem that you have made it to the end of my profile. Congratulations! Its weird that I have to say this since it's like a rule in, Idk, EVERY chat room here, but please do not PM me unless I know you, like you and you have the secret password to my underground lair. I will only ask this nicely, once. =0)
Every Kiss begins with Kay
Yes, I mingle with the jingle, this does not mean I wana kiss you. K? Thanks!
I read them, then use to catch spills at work...
40 Year Old Virgin!! The Beach Devils Advocate Funny ones are my fav. But I like old black and whites and Im waitin for a reallll scary movie.Starting to gt more into action movies too.
TV Shows
Im not much of a T.V. person but I Love Family Guy Adult Swim Greys Anatomy Sci-fi stuff did I mention Adult Swim?? Pretty much... Scifi Adult Swim Greys Anattomy did I say Adult Swim
most of the ones in the movies i enjoy!
Type of Music
There is not much I don't listen to. Most of my life involves music.
I like to play volleyball, softball, and basketball. My fav thing to do is swim.
I love to support my local teams. NJ NY PA ~ GO Cowboys~
Vacation Spots
Anywhere close to beautiful water
Anything I can BBQ, Seafood, Soul food, Mexican, The hotter, the better, Sushi