
  • Updated:December 5, 2011 4:54 pm
  • Last visit:May 27, 2012 4:55 pm
  • Member Since:October 28, 2007 1:12 am
I am usually out of my mind.. on the off chance you catch me.. i'm at my pc out in the hills of PA baby!! woop woop!!

----00-00----Put This
---00---00---On Your
---00---00---Profile If
---00---00---You Know
-----000-----Who Died

My grandmother "bird" 3/7/ 1922- 7/22/ 2004

In loving memory of Jack Daniel "pooh bear"
8/31/1997- 12/23/2007

In loving memory of Carl "pawpaw" he is sadly missed 5/28/41- 4/28/08

Cousin Craig taken by cancer 1/10/2009
Raven Marie 7/7/98 - 6/30/2010
July 22
At the moment my interest include taking care of the stray and adopted animals that have made their way into our life. Other than that I am just enjoying life here with my daughter and my wonderful Boo : )
Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 22)
well let's see.. I cook, clean, drive the vehicle around doing errands, laundry... yep that part makes me a mom!
Then I give out hugs and kisses, cuddle, curl up on Boo's chest and go to sleep... well that either makes me a very big lap dog or someone's loving woman.. guess it depends on my mood! lmao
currently a wally world peon.. yeah i know but it's a job!
If ignorance is bliss... some ppl are extremely blissful!!

It is not important what others may think or say about you.. as long as you know the truth let them show their ignorance.

Live each day as though it were your last, love deeper than you ever thought imaginable, and above all treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. Do not shun those who are different but embrace those differences because you may just learn something about yourself.
LOL I have become a soccer mom! I just bought a 98 Dodge Caravan fully loaded.. just in time too, made a comfy ride to watch my grandson make his appearance into the world : )
Everyone is a character of some sorts.. just depends on who is looking as to what they see.

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140 woot baby!
well let's just say if it wasn't for my daughter and my wonderful man, I would be a fashion disaster!lmao I wear whatever is comfy for me, not out to impress and if I offend anyone, well they are free to turn their head! lol
It doesn't matter to whom or what you choose to pray.. your actions are what count with me.
native american indian
I suppose everyone is entitled to get a shot at screwin up our world, before long we will end up with marks on our bodies just to get food and no one will be allowed to be theirself. I'm sure there are those that do not agree with my stand but I do not care, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I will give mine freely.. it's in the constitution of the united states, perhaps some have not heard of that yet and should go read it.
I am straight and have eyes only for one man.
I have a very terrific and loving man in my life! He does not try to rule or own me but appreciates me for me. We have a bond that others have tried to shake but none have been able to budge, something few will ever know because too many are hung up on being the controlling party in a relationship. We respect and love each other for who we are, makes life so much sweeter that way. Every day begins with a smile and a kiss and ends the same way.. in the middle time it's usually laughter and tons of hugs and kisses : )
Three little buggers.. Girl 19, Boy 17(my little stud muffin), Girl 15 (god help me she's like her mama) LOL
Love em all to pieces and would be lost without em!

I have a new addition to my clan! Little Michael Joseph (MJ) came to join us on 1/24/09.. g'ma's little bundle of love : )

We have added yet another to our clan! Our first grand daughter, Serenity Paige came into the world 5/30/09.. simply gorgeous!
well let's see.. if it's "personal" that means you don't need to know! lol


Movies are often over budget over rated and full of hopeless dreams that will never become a reality. If you base your life upon fantasy you will be burned in the end. Ever hear of fresh air?
CSI, Law&Order, COPS, Forensic Files, The Simpsons, Animal Planet Cops
There are few "good" actors on the silver screen anymore.. but look around you.. there are some great ones in real life!
depends on my mood mainly
Tesla, OZZY, Dope, anything from nature sounds to bang ur freakin head off the wall!
Football, Hockey, NASCAR
I have a see food diet... I see it I'm gonna eat it! lol