
  • Updated:March 1, 2014 8:17 pm
  • Last visit:September 4, 2014 8:06 pm
  • Member Since:September 14, 2008 3:52 am
September 22
Collecting plants....
Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)
Priestess and Healer in the Temple of Creation.
My two feet
A horse
Abigails' hair falls down to the middle of her back in waves of satiny lustrous choclate waves. Her Flawless complection is a natural creamy milky white and it plays off of her hazel eyes speckled with blue and green giving them a metallic look. Her lips are a genuine shade of dark pink. Her smile is friendly and her teeth are a brilliant white. She wears simple but elegant dresses, all her clothes are apporiate for every occasion everything about her is put toegether right down to her exqusite manicure, painted the same shade as her lips. Everything she does is elegant. She can glide across the floor, with a ghostly grace. She is in shape and even though she does not have the muscles of a skilled warrior they are formed due to the fact that she works
the earth she must have a huge garden in order to make her formulas. It takes a lot of plants just to make a small batch of healing formulas. In her purse she carries various medicinal herbs , ointments and tinctures.

A middle ages woman. She has been many places and seen many things. She prefers to Use little to no magic . Using what is around her naturally. She can also read people bodily energy and while this does give her some ability to tell whether a person is Hiding Their true nature, she can not read minds. Only intent

She is of mixed blood but mostly looks human and she ages slowly, She will eventually die, and is very mortal.

SHe was raised in a very strict and human environment and did not not find out of her heritage until years later after her mother and fathers death. When reading her mothers old journals. Her Brother has chosen a life of destruction while She choose one of Creation. They are not Very close.

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Apporpriate Attire
Wood Elf( 1/4)/human
Likes Males
3 Children
2 girls
Sunny and Willow
1 boy
1 dragon named Red