
  • Updated:March 2, 2010 9:52 am
  • Last visit:July 17, 2012 10:06 am
  • Member Since:December 15, 2008 1:51 pm
Somewhere over the rainbow
February 7
Aquarius (Jan 19-Feb 18)
Medical/Health Services
When everything else fails you....turn to Jesus
Have no clue what this means LOL

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Use to be 5'6" now they say I am 5'4" go figure
Blondish grey
If its baggy wear it
Southern Baptist and no I dont thump the Bible
Human Race
Not really know I voted for Obama and have been repub. for years HMMMMMMM
Divorced and glad of it
Yes..ages 38,34,22,16 The 16 year old is the girl I wanted and finally got...


All that donated to the word of GOD... John Grishom
The Bible, All Grishom has ever written
The Notebook, A Walk to Remeber. Any and all old black and white movies...positively the greatest of all would be Cary Grant and Kathryn Hepburn
CSI:Las Vegas, All true crime shows...
Most of my favorite actors are dead...
Christian and country would be my favs.
Fleetwood Mac...Bob Segar ya know...that era would be me...
NOT...Except the U of F fightin Gators..can you say NATIONAL CHAMPS WHOO HOO
Gators, Atlanta Braves and the Dallas Cowboys
Who get to do that?
Any and all LOL