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Updated:November 28, 2009 7:59 pm
Last visit:January 15, 2010 12:31 am
Member Since:June 5, 2009 9:19 pm
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Sunshine State
Personal Quote
In Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" the man that gets the prize, Portia, does not choose the gold, the silver, but the lead. What appears as success today is mere conformity. All that glitters is not gold. God has some great ideas for life: the ugly duckling, the Merchant, and His son who showed us that nice guys don't finish last, and the real good things can come out of apparent misfortune. Unknown author
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Political Stance
I propose each Congressman, Senator, and President, after winning two consecutive elections against opponents, no longer run against and opposing candidate. Rather, a year before their third term ends, their would be an election in which the people would decide with a yes or no vote, if the politician should stay in office for another term. This would force the politician to focus more on fixing problems, rather satisfying interest groups. In fact, in lieu of having to run against an opponent the candidate would have to get five percent more than 50 perent each time he or she runs. For instance, the first time he or she qualified to run without an opponent, the politician would have to get 55 percent of the people to vote yes. When the politician ran for a fourth term, they would have to get 60 percent. The percent would quit increasing at 90 percent. As the percentage goes up, the less a politician could rely on interest groups, and the more he or she would have to appeal to the public as a whole. The politician since not running against someone else, would be less inclined to play the blame or scapegoating game. In fact, because their job would rely on improving the lives of more and more people, they would be more likely to work with others to get things done, fixed. As things stand now, the politicians only have to worry about getting a majority, and they can run against an opponent, and make people vote for them, just because they are the lesser of two evils. That would not work, if they had to run agains their record, and to convince a larger and larger percentage each election.
Brutal Journey