
  • Updated:October 4, 2012 11:16 pm
  • Last visit:December 17, 2012 8:36 pm
  • Member Since:November 19, 2009 12:39 pm
Deamoness.. I am wherever I wish to be... Is now and xdc member
June 18
Gemini (May 21-Jun 20)
xdc member, inhabitor of Tyran
"Mess with me and I'll drain your body entirly of its blood, send your soul to hell, and your body left to rot for all eternity."
I run in animal form, fly in dragon form, or travel on foot in one of my more human-like forms
Lucia is a Knight from Hell, the worst kind imaginable. She has firey red hair, ocean blue eyes, paper pale skin that when angered goes firey red. She looks to be 4'9, 17 and ex-royalty. For all who knows, she's been Lucifer's personal knight since the very Beginning. Not much is known about her except the fact of what she is, where she's from, and what she does. So far, no one has been able to get her heart to light, no one has made this demi goddess fall for them, and no one probably will be able to come close enough to accomplish this. She goes wherever, wrecking havoc in her wake as she passes through. She carries on her person a sword made of BloodCrystal, an ancient type of stone fare stronger than the Diamond of today and three solid silver dadders.

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Look at profile picture for her attire
I'm a deamon, my religion you ask? Blood.
Daemones of Fire, Wolf Goddess, and Elder Dragoness, Fire Element Creation Fire Sorceress (the very first form and creation of fire), and Life of Flame.. all in one
Single. Interested?
An adoped, beautiful young girl named Dolithiel
The world changes, but I am left out, alone in this dark void of the forgotten time.


James Patterson, Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Stephen Spielburg
Regular reading books too, Absolute Boyfriend, KamiKaze, He's Dedicated To Roses, 1/2 Prince, Vampire Knight, Naruto, Inuyasha, Etc...
All movies but the stupid ones... and you should know what I'm talking about.
Whatever I find interesting at the moment..., Animal cops Houston, Animal Cops Michigan, Animal Cops Miami
Brendan Frasier, Brandon Routh, Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, Nicole Kidman (Actress), Angelina Jolie (Actress), And many more!
Hinder!!!, Fuel, Tantric, Three Days Grace, More to come l8tur!!, 30 Seconds To Mars
Packers, Steelers, Raiders, Cults, Cowboys
Pizza, Lasagna, Spaghetti