
  • Updated:August 23, 2014 10:50 am
  • Last visit:April 19, 2019 5:13 pm
  • Member Since:March 21, 2010 4:55 am
Temple of Creation
July 2
Goddess of Creation.
Sinead [Eruraina in elven tongue.]
All information on the profile is for Sinead of Tyran. Please refer to links only for all other games.


MYSTIC WORLDS RPG [Still under heavy construction]
Note: Anything on this profile is related to Tyran, Please only refer to the website for mystic worlds

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Amber/golden iris
Dark auburn
Often dresses of elaborate designs made of material that she can freely move in. Her usual attire often matches that of the seasons. Through the whole year, Sinead can be found with flowers in her hair.
She is that of Creation, charged to control the flow of creation.
Once half elven, now goddess.
Though Sinead doesn't often get involved with politics, she has family and friends who are kings and queens; often showing support for them:
Queen Monet of Tyran/Princess Sapphire/King Mordred
King Cassiel and Queen Raelle of Raven Islands
Nilsia, Duchess of Silem.
None; Sinead isn't one to be pulled to another by their gender. [Can also be seen as demisexual]
Widow to Lucas Darling [She believes him dead]
Hold a strong bond with her priestess, Krixia.
Nilsia, Brice, Alice, and Ash. - Lucas
Rhemilya - Krixia
Note: This nick is a remake of Sinead_Bliss.Original creation date is February 10, 2008.
I play this character in both Tyran: PoD and Mystic Worlds RPG. Please note that they are slightly different characters. Sinead is NOT the goddess of creation in mystic. In fact she a much more simpler character and her history is a little different. Because of this and the games connection, I play it out as if Mystic Worlds is Sinead's alternate reality to Tyran.
While I do not mind if your character knows her in MW, please note it will either be for different reasons or she is not sure how she knows you.