The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeleiver: Lord Foul's Bane, The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeleiver: The Illearth War, The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeleiver: The Power That Preserves, The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeleiver: The Wounded Land, The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeleiver: The One Tree, The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeleiver: White Gold Wielder
Harry Potter series, Matrix Trilogy, The Blindside, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Shrek -all, How to Rob a Bank, Slingblade, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Salton Sea, Cars, Kill Bill 1&2, 1408, Enter the Dragon, The Incredibles, Fight Club, The Last Castle, 11:14
Always Sunny in Philly, Deadwood, NCIS, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, Justified, Leverage, Burn Notice, Rescue Me, Dr. Who, Modern Marvels, The Unit, Dexter, Men of a Certain Age
country, rock
Clevland Browns, Minnisota Vikings, LA Dodgers, Angels, LA Lakers
Rome in July
Cheesburgers w/everthing