
  • Updated:January 13, 2012 11:01 am
  • Last visit:August 11, 2013 10:50 pm
  • Member Since:December 16, 2011 8:59 pm
(All information on this profile is for the role play character Rayelina Vargo)

Between the Carrion Lands and the Vargo estate in Tyran. She can occasionally be found in Wendy's Tavern as well when needing a meal.
"Only the wicked find a purpose in the afterlife. The fallen have no solice, even in death, for the one of light that turns her back on everything that is good... will only understand suffering and grief."
The history of Rayelina is extensive. For a brief time in her childhood, she got to experience happiness and what felt like a normal life. The fate of her mother, Dreanna, seemed to send her own fate into a spiral causing her to become lost and unable to stay on the path to purity. One event after another had her making the wrong choices and eventually leading to the ultimate sin: death by her own hand.

She paid for this sin, along with all others, as she fell into the afterlife. Unaware of Tyran's destruction, she'd found herself in eternal torment; living and reliving every mistake she'd made in her mortal life as well as feeling the pain of it without rest. Whether it was by the Father God Baracus's actions of rebuilding the world, or the fact she'd done enough good in her life to save her eternal torture, she didn't know, but she somehow found herself once again touching the soil of the land she'd killed herself to escape (and save.) Her sacrifice had been for nothing, and like all the other mistakes she had made, only caused her suffering.

As the land around her slowly came into focus, her bitter resentment of the place was like something metallic on her tongue. Nearly every last person in this land had either betrayed her, or forsaken her, and now by fate's cruel irony... she had been forced to return. Death would never be an escape for her again and she vowed that no one, not even herself, would send her back to that hell. Were all the followers of light forsaken as well? Perhaps she'd never know the answer to that, and she wondered if she even cared anymore.

Rayelina Vargo had been resurrected.

(Everything after the fact is current story found in the forums or in play.)

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Purple, the shade depends on what light she is in. The hair tone is a family trait tied to their use of magic.
When first returning from the grave, she had adorned herself in her ripped burial gown which she used coffin nails and flowers to decorate so it wasn't too sheer.

Her return to Camien and his manor in the Carrion lands had her adopting a more appropriate attire however. Now she is seen in either a soft, form fitting dress made of silk with solid colors, or when intending to travel or work she wears a slitted (both sides) dress with a pair of form fitting pants and travel boots. The only weapon she ever carries on her is a dagger used for purposes other than fighting.

Her hair goes down to knees, and is tied up with a ribbon and smooth sticks when working.
Neutral. Always torn between good and evil.
In everything, Rayelina is often confused and conflicted. It's even assumed she might even be insane.
*Complicated story-line best left found out during play.
Two children (Father: Camien)

Son: Mordred Vargo, prior God of Evil in Tyran.
Daughter: Anathema "Monet" Vargo