Gwg (gwg1965)

Gwg (gwg1965)
  • Updated:June 21, 2023 12:01 pm
  • Last visit:February 13, 2025 2:32 pm
  • Member Since:February 27, 2002 5:13 pm
Laramie, Wyoming
May 2
Don't pounce on me in PM if you haven't even said hello in the room.
Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)
A goddess of course
GWG stands for Great White Goddess a nickname my bro gave me many moons ago.
Kawasaki Vulcan 1500

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yes, gravity is a factor
Graying gracefully
No thank you.
Painfully white
Bleeding heart liberal!
I got an A in sexual orientation, I took notes and did the homework ;-)

If you are a sapiosexual/sapiophile, please move to the front of the line.
Happily single tyvm, however I am looking for the yin to my yang. I want someone to compliment me, not complete me.
I childproofed my house but, they keep getting in.
I'm in recovery and sober, if you're not working on sobriety, you're working on a relapse.


Pema Chodron, Maya Angelou, Edward Abbey, Larry McMurtry, Tony Hillerman
Awakening Loving Kindness, Lonesome Dove, A Confederacy of Dunces, Undaunted Courage, The Monkey Wrench Gang
The far side, Calvin and Hobbes
Most documentaries, Coen Brothers all the way, Any John Hughes Movie
Ewan McGregor, Javier Bardem, Helen Mirren, Melissa McCarthy
love all music
Nirvana, Queen, Metallica, Patsy Cline, Hank Williams Sr, Dixie chicks, Nora Jones, Joan Osborne, Grace Potter and The Nocturnals, Sheryl Crow.
My favorite sport is jumping to conclusions
Camping in the mountains
Sushi!!, Vietnamese, Thai, Italian, Seafood