
  • Updated:March 24, 2010 6:28 am
  • Last visit:February 14, 2016 7:38 am
  • Member Since:June 14, 2002 9:28 am
kornfield iowa
August 18
Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22)
If you haven't fallen over the edge atleast once you're taking up too much space

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. And what I ought to do, by God's grace, I will do.

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6' 0"
Whats hair? (red)
if ya dont like it dont look
kind of hard to put a label on it. Earth based (native american, wicca type base)
99 &44/100th pure IRISH with just enough German to take the grudge beyond the grave with me there are some here that can tell ya how long i will stay pissed off once ya pass that limit
So consertivitive i squeek when i fart
Sherman T Potter sang it best on MASH, (I Love To Go Swimmin With Bo-Legged Wimmin and Swim Between Their Legs)
Divorced, not looking really, but not totally opposed if some lady would grab my interest and the lady grabbed my interest
3 lost parental rights in 97 (choices and consequences)


Zane Grey
any western or adventure. but they have to be historically plausable
technical crap computer related
the elgin echo (gotta keep up on who's cheatin who, and who's doin who and who dont even care any more who's car is parked next door or
garfield. attitude with class
Dances with wolves I see dead people (this one suprised me and im rarely suprised)
MASH Jeopardy history channel
Kevin Costner
country, old rock, jazz, blues
Merle Haggard
is sex a sport?
Go PURPLE (thats the vikings for you non-fans)
grand canyon, arizona (gotta luv climbing a new mountain every morning