Buckley opposed "bip...
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Buckley opposed "bipartisanship" (hlfmnhlfamzg)
Updated:November 30, 2013 10:42 pm
Last visit:June 10, 2014 10:27 pm
Member Since:December 29, 2002 9:02 pm
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The land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave
Astrological sign
Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)
Personal Quote
I'm a racist for posting this. You're a racist for reading it. Everyone who says Obama's name without including the prefix "The Great and Powerful" is a racist. Avert your gaze when Obama appears on TV, lest you be a racist. This forum is a racist. The computer I'm using is a racist. Your car is a racist. Damn racists everywhere. Oppose socialized medicine? Racist! Call out politicians for lying? Racist! Disagree with me? Forum liberals, join me now in screaming it: Racist!
- Diogenes @ OP
There are only two defining forces that have ever offered to die for you. One is Jesus Christ, who died for your sins, and the other is the American Soldier who died for your freedom.
"The reality is that those who are likely to win will invoke the commandment while those who are losing or are intellectually deficient will hang onto it like a life raft." - So sayeth KeithB52, ever faithful apologist for the GOP-E. He said this in post number 124105.58, I have a copy at post number 124105.61.
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