
  • Updated:September 2, 2018 12:50 pm
  • Last visit:May 4, 2023 10:44 pm
  • Member Since:March 30, 2003 1:03 pm
Was Ca...Now Midwest where the ground holds still
Stayin' alive
Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)
"Between jobs"
I want the TRUTH, the WHOLE truth, and nothing BUT the truth, so help me, who?
Blonde, Caucasian, 18, 5'2", 115ibs, willing.......Oh, I bet you meant my car, didn't you? That's a different story.

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If it fits, it'll work for me.
Ex Christian. Now, hard core skeptic. Intolerant of the "sheep" mentality.
Caucasian, 'cracker', aka White guy
All politicians are crooked. Worse even than used car salesmen and televangelists.
Women only need apply. Plus any young ladies who are old enough to speak out for themselves.
Not interested
No comment
What you see is what you get. No degrees, no shingles, no fancy titles, no hi-class education. I may be dumb, but I sure as hell ain't stupid!

But then again, what do I know.


Scientific American, Anthropology Today, Science News, Space Daily
What's that?
The "Holy Babble", B.C. cartoons
None; There are no good movies anymore. They're all remakes and reruns of really old ideas.
None; can't tolerate watching commercials.
None; all the really good ones are dead now.
Anything that doesn't look and sound like a bunch of limp-wristed, crotch-grapping, bug-eyed zombies on quaaludes.
I still follow pro Baseball
Winners, obviously
Dry land, where there are not a lot of people and NO churches. Cats are ok, though
Reeses Miniature Peanut Butter cups, Bing Cherries, Dr Pepper, Dark Chocolate, Pepperoni Pizza, and Other good stuff