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Updated:February 5, 2025 12:14 am
Last visit:today at 2:51 am
Member Since:May 24, 2003 3:52 am
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The dark depths of your mind where I'am playing bongos and downing beers
November 13
PIllaging and plundering the underworld of your nightmares....leaving IOU's and the occassional payment for services rendered!
Astrological sign
Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)
My Ride
strap hanger on the subway to the depths of pure torture!
My Friends
Bakieboodie (bakerbutt83)
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anyone have a ruler?
anyone have a scale?
Eye Color
anyone have crayons?
Hair Color
anyone loan me a wig?
Fashion Statement
Burlap sacks....and orange jump suits
crazy/wild women who will break me!
lil bit of this...whole lot of that!
Political Stance
no pegleg broke in half
Sexual Orientation
gimme women who'll speak in foreign tongues that I won't understand and will kick me out in the middle of the night
Relationship Status
No status.....I leave before they wake in the morning!
ain't 1 of me enough??
Personal Ad
Life as we know it is hard and rough
Whether real or chat can be damn tough
Hoping that someone you meet can make you smile
Someone who likes you...makes you want to hang out awhile
Just sad that those hopes and dreams usually crash and burn
Cause many of the people you see....give you nothing but heartburn
Being negative...dumb and totally insecure
Finding it easier to be mean and then acting all demure
Making gossip and rumors the subjects being out to discuss
Being short sighted....mean...and making such a big fuss
Not thinking or considering what the person may or may not feel
Keeping the gossip going....not even attempting to keep it real
But casting such stones can end up backfiring
Eventually someone out of the blue may find the gossip inspiring
To turn it around and use it on those who assume they know it all
Showing them they don't....watching the inevitable fall
In the end we are all the same and are all equal
Gossip on a person may be the movie...but there is always a sequel
So it all comes down to why cast stones into someone's pond
Because you don't know the person...and don't have any bond
So I say this and I wonder what life is really about
And the answer is simple...its about family/ whom I give a big shout!