Is this where people try to appear intelligent and worldly by listing a bunch of obscure people?, Ok...apparently it is. Um...alright...I like Edward Gibbon, Solzhenitsyn, and Seuss.
Delphi's new input system for this part of the profile is beyond laughably archaic.
It really's like being asked to eat Chinese food with just one chopstick.
Who has time for Newspapers when we all know the *real* news is right up there at the check-out stand at the grocery store! OMG! What are Brad and Jenn up to now? *gag*, Or is it Angelina, now? Gees...who cares! (Other than the hordes of women that buy those ridiculous things!)
I refuse to answer this question on the grounds it's pointless and stupid. But "Calvin and Hobbes" if you must know. *blush*
Whatever the girl wants to see. Which usually means it stars either Meg Ryan, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, or Tom Cruise. *rolls eyes*
Ugh. Do not EVER ask me that question again.
Meg Ryan, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, or Tom Cruise. Haha...I kid. I'm just trying to get in good with the ladies. *growl*
Lawrence Welk must die!!! The fact he already has is irrelevant. *hmph*
Lawrence Welk... Ooooh! I'm so complicated and mysterious! Are you attracted to me, yet? No? Hmmm...Ok, wait'll you read the "Sports" question below. Then you will be! *Laughs evilly and slicks back hair*
None. Why watch stupid sweaty men run around after a ball of some sort? I'd rather spend time with a beautiful woman (which is all of you) attending to her every whim and desire. :-D
I'd answer this, but it'd directly contradict my "Sports" answer above...and I think I'm scoring some points with the ladies so I'd better not chance it.
Golden, Colorado. Have you ever seen the sun set on a brewery? The way the light gleams off the silver vats...the ethereal sound of the machinery brewing its sweet nectar. *sigh*...It could only be sweeter if I had a woman to share it with. haha
Um...let's see. Spaghetti, fried chicken, small cocktail wieners, reduced fat Wheat Thins, celery with peanut butter, and...and... Gees. I can't do it. What a STUPID question. Just painful, really.