
  • Updated:July 1, 2015 10:41 pm
  • Last visit:July 1, 2015 10:39 pm
  • Member Since:January 30, 2004 6:09 am
I come from the beautiful Land Downunder.. I live in the land of Baa Lambies and cherries! My town is Young, in NSW - S/west of Sydney. beautiful country, beautiful people, beautiful town. Yeeeeeeeeee HAW! green hills, white baa lambs (some with black faces) and clear blue sky! it's harvest time, so let's keep our fingers crossed it doesn't RAIN. (it didn't!) woooo!!
December 17
I sky dive, I surf, i water ski, I jet ski, I white water raft, I play all sports, I roller blade, I skate board, I parachute, I hot air balloon, I hang glide, I mountain climb, I ummm... abseil? (did i say that?) I umm do that jumping off cliff thingie..
i do the usual girlie things - along with some other stuff - fave tv shows right ow are Bed of Roses, Taggart, crime shows, and doco's.
and yeah.. other stuff like that.
girlie stuff
life is sweet in the land downunder :)
Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)
Just quit being a radio announcer - station closed down, right now preparing for my daughter's wedding! still have the passion for music, always will have... background is medical secretary, but at the moment, busy doing... NOTHING lol.
The sound of laughter itself is meaningless, but to the spirit it is magical (author unknown)

.. I have learnt to love myself unconditionally.....because I am a queen (India Arie)


regarding chat. NEVER EVER EVER BELIEVE IT UNTIL YOU SEE IT. SEE IT? not 'READ IT" .. see it. I've learnt that the hard way. and REMEMBER, on line people can SAY and BE whoever they want to be, it isn't always real. not everybody is GENUINE. remember this lesson - even it if saves one heart in this world. it's worth typing.
My ride.. what the hell is that? My ride.. now that I live in a country town is usually my feet or ... in a UTE - which to the mericans is a TRUCK. Country boys have em... usually with a sheep dog in back and sometimes some bales of hay.
I have NO idea what this means..? hmm I'll say FRIED TATERS lmao... or umm Slutty Cowgirl Barbie on roller blades which have knives out the front and a few lil flashing lights. hell yeahhhhhhhh

Profile Ads


5' 6" not too tall. not too short. just right
which weight? the FAKE net weight (like most women on line) - skinny... OR.. the real weight (in real skin life?) - I'm happy with my outside bits and my inside bits. that's all that counts.
GREEN eyes..all the better to SEE you with!
DARK DARK BROWN (short and a lil bit spikey)
fashion? me? lol. nah. I just like to look PRETTY. lol. oh and my hair betta look GOOD, SISTUH!!
I'm not religious. But hell.. he good to other people and treat them with the respect they deserve, IF they deserve it, if they don't. then get rid of them - it's all about KARMA.
my grandfather was French. my grandmother English.. sooo take yr pick! but I'm a VERY proud Aussie
HOW DO POLITICIANS STAND? with their hands stuck up somebody's ass!
don't trust any of them
I like blokes. I do. A lot. yep. I do. actually ...
and I like country blokes the best :)
Becky. the joy of my soul. she makes the world light up when she laughs. (and she loves her mumma)
personal ad?
two words.. (if we MUST put a personal ad)

yep.. that about sums ME up.
one more thing.
either like me, or don't like me, either way, I'm not fussed.


Colleen McCullough Tom Keneally and whatever i pick up that takes my interest.
just books. i love books. too many to carry on about.
I'm not really into girlie magazines. they are full of superficial crap.
Sydney Morning Herald on Saturdays.. with a nice cup of coffee.
Juno, The Srangers (creeeeepy!) The Birdcage, Cape Fear, Misery
Becker Frasier Will & Grace hahahahaa but i rarely watch tv.. so.... oh i did love 24. but now its finished waaa and i love the history channel on Foxtel
Cate Blanchett Nicolas Cage Robert DeNiro Russell Crowe Jack Nicholson
well I love music. end of story. well. no I don't love C & W lol. and I don't love rap and oh, i don't love heavy metal boy banging stuff lol. so. i love music, with a few exceptions haha.
millions of them.. hmm love AC/DC, Midnight Oil, INXS, No Doubt lots of others.
none - LAZY PIG! Like watching world class rugby union, though.. oh, and ice hockey and those boys in tight shorts hehe..
yay the boy teams with hot guys with six packs.oh grrr .. mmm yummm grrr. mmm (sorry)
Ireland, USA, Tahiti, Bavaria, Switzerland, Hawaii, Italy
Italian, French.... my own cooking (I cook up a hell of a storm!) and fat bum food!yeah. fat bum food. hehe