Dark Karma (malachai...

Dark Karma (malachai1369)

Dark Karma (malachai1369)
  • Updated:November 8, 2009 6:18 pm
  • Last visit:September 10, 2014 12:33 am
  • Member Since:January 31, 2005 9:43 pm
Mid missouri
July 1
Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 22)
substance abuse counselor and social worker
you laugh at me cause im different, i laugh at you cause you are all the same
man i am a character

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6 0
265 lbs
red , long and braided
black leather, black denim, black t shirts
red road, buddism and celtic shamanism
1/4 blackfoot(blood), 1/2 irish, 1/4 nordic
kill all the politicians, lawyers and jackasses that continue to triffle with the rights ours ancestors died for.
there was an orientation? no wonder i ain't getting laid i missed the orientation...dammit man
fuck the dumshit...lets fuckin ride


backstreet choppers
marvel comics man, and heavy metal lol
hard driving rock and some blues here and there
skull crushing rock
martial arts, oly, pics, UFC
out on the hiway
red meat