
  • Updated:November 7, 2009 4:37 am
  • Last visit:January 12, 2010 2:51 pm
  • Member Since:March 27, 2001 1:36 pm
Long Beach California
February 27
Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)
"I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it."~ Maya Angelou

"...I know I'm bound for heaven, cuz I've done my time in hell."-Richard Marx

"I Yam What I Yam, And That's All That I Yam"~Popeye

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Tall if I stand up....but I rarely do. ;-)
Bigger than a breadbox
Short light brown hair, which is getting lighter all on it's own! :-(
I live in So. California. We only wear t's, shorts and flip flops, people!!! ;-)
Not into organized (or unorganized) religion. I'm not a sheeple.
A pinch of this, a dash of that.
I stand where common sense, equality for everyone, and 'please don't raise my taxes', meet.
Lesbian, but not a man hater. That's just plain wrong!
Followed my heart over to a beautiful RAINBOW! :-) 3 years and counting!!!
I have a 27 yr old beautiful daughter, and 2 kitties, Rhett & Scarlett, and a brand new "Grand-kitty" named Bella.
Siggy piggy in search of any and all snaggables!


Dean Koontz is my favorite.
Yes, I have them, and can read! ;-)
Whatever wanders into my home.
Press Telegram
Farside, Ziggy, Peanuts, Garfield
Out of Africa, An Affair to Remember, Somewhere In Time, Go Fish, Monsoon Wedding, Little Miss Sunshine, The Dish, Blood Diamond, Heaven Knows Mr. Allison, Big Jake, Lianna.
Law and Order SVU, Grey's Anatomy, Survivor, Lost, The First 48, CNN, CHUCK, Biggest Loser, Intervention, The Daily Show, Cobert Report, .
Sandra Bullock, Denzel, Meryl Streep, Johnny Depp, Tyne Daly, Marishka Hargartay, Ashley Judd, Morgan Freeman, Tom Hanks, Debra Kerr.
Rock, Rock and more Rock!
Anything Aerosmith to Zeppelin (classic rock)
Soccer, Angel's Baseball!!!
Anaheim Angels!!!!! L.A. Galaxy, L.A. Sol!!
Kona Hawaii--it's heaven on earth!
Lasagna topped off by a huge Dairy Queen Blizzard. Life's good!