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From: Allnite319/17/19 11:32 PM 
To: All  (16 of 37) 
 55.16 in reply to 55.1 
Thunder, Sorry to hear about your loss. My condolences to you and your family. It would be extremely difficult to deal with either the loss of your husband or what is happening with your Dad. To have to deal with them both simultaneously has to be even that more difficult. I hope with each passing day the pain gets a little less and you are left with the wonderful memories of you and your husband. Rick
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From: IBLeisa DelphiPlus Member Icon9/18/19 2:50 AM 
To: ThunderMntGirl  (17 of 37) 
 55.17 in reply to 55.16 

I am so sorry to read this, my deepest  sympathy for you and your family. May the loving memories you shared bring you comfort.


From: Rjchopper9/18/19 3:27 PM 
To: ThunderMntGirl  (18 of 37) 
 55.18 in reply to 55.17 

I am very sorry to hear this Thunderrryyy.  Dave was a good man. My sympathies to you and those close to you*hugs *


From: Risa (Risa25) DelphiPlus Member Icon9/18/19 4:00 PM 
To: Wendy_1971  (19 of 37) 
 55.19 in reply to 55.1 

Wendy, thank you for sharing this very sad news. TMG and I have been friends since the days of Hotch's Hideaway and I can only imagine  the depth of grief she must be feeling.  My heart goes out to her and to her family.  I'm not sure which is worse, an expected death or a sudden one, but either way, losing a spouse is one of life's biggest losses.  May she find comfort in the memories of their time together and from us who support her at this difficult time.


From: sablemoon9/18/19 8:07 PM 
To: Wendy_1971  (20 of 37) 
 55.20 in reply to 55.1 

I am so sorry for your loss .you will be in my prayers and thought's .


From: Shutta DelphiPlus Member Icon9/18/19 11:37 PM 
To: Wendy_1971  (21 of 37) 
 55.21 in reply to 55.1 

Sorry for ur loss thundahh. We are all praying for ya 


From: zaqatac9/19/19 4:40 AM 
To: ThunderMntGirl  (22 of 37) 
 55.22 in reply to 55.2 

TMG the love you shared is evident to all and I am so sorry to read of Dave's passing. My condolences to you and your family.  You have a lot on your plate and am sure you know you have friends here praying for you. God Bless




From: wife29/19/19 10:50 PM 
To: Wendy_1971  (23 of 37) 
 55.23 in reply to 55.1 

Thunder, So very sorry for your loss. Hugs



From: AdisonDavid (TheDude2017)9/19/19 11:58 PM 
To: ThunderMntGirl  (24 of 37) 
 55.24 in reply to 55.1 

 Thoughts and prayers for you TMG during this difficult time.


From: Princess_49 DelphiPlus Member Icon9/20/19 1:32 AM 
To: Wendy_1971  (25 of 37) 
 55.25 in reply to 55.1 


Sorry for your great loss. Prayers and thoughts are with you.




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