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From: ArnoldZiffell9/23/19 2:14 AM 
To: Wendy_1971  (31 of 37) 
 55.31 in reply to 55.1 

Just learned of this. 

Praying for you and your family to find peace of mind and acceptance in all of this.

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From: zepking9/24/19 1:14 AM 
To: Wendy_1971  (33 of 37) 
 55.33 in reply to 55.1 

TMG my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family! 


From: jazzy (jazzy1111) DelphiPlus Member Icon9/24/19 9:54 PM 
To: All  (34 of 37) 
 55.34 in reply to 55.33 

Dear TMG,

I'm so sorry to read about this, and hope that you're finding strength and comfort from your many friends, offline and online. 

  • Edited September 28, 2019 2:14 am  by  jazzy (jazzy1111)

From: ThunderMntGirl9/25/19 7:58 AM 
To: Wendy_1971  (35 of 37) 
 55.35 in reply to 55.1 

Thank you Wendy and everyone who has taken a moment out of their busy days to think of me, say a prayer, or perhaps post a few kind words to me and my family.  It was very sudden and I am devastated, while trying to figure some things out here.  Your posts all help very much.  To some, this may be "just chat," but to others, there's a connection that's hard to explain, but it's obvious we care about one another. 

My dad continues to need prayers for comfort.  He's still in ICU and it's a difficult time for he and my family, making difficult decisions on his behalf.  Thank you.

"One day at a time, Sweet Jesus.  That's all I'm asking of you.  Just give me the strength to do everyday, what I have to."

Love and blessings to you all...  Marianne



From: VaniV9/25/19 9:09 AM 
To: ThunderMntGirl  (36 of 37) 
 55.36 in reply to 55.35 

Sending prayers of comfort and healing for you and your family..


From: DontPmMe0k29/25/19 9:57 PM 
To: ThunderMntGirl  (37 of 37) 
 55.37 in reply to 55.35 

My heart aches for you my friend. I’m sending my love and wishing comfort and peace for you during these days. Whether we want to or not, somehow we get through and we keep loving and eventually remember how to smile. ??


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