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Have you caught the play on "Dr. Helen" yet? For starters, she is not Jewish, as she likes to claim that she is. Her father was Jewish, so she says. Her mother was Roman Catholic, therefore nullifying her claims to being Jewish.
She doesn't much care for Canadian people as she had a couple of experiences with them on her board who disagreed with her, and the members left.
It wasn't just the Spiker person; there were a couple of other Canadian members who left as well, Ack and Lindisha.
Ack is still active on other Delphi Forums.
Oh, yes, let's not forget that ol' Pecker Puss (Becky) drives a lot of people away from Helen's board.
So does Pissy Lane. (Miss Elaine). She spends a week in England and it's her whole world. I'm sure England thanks her - it's certainly a reason why so many Europeans sneer at most Americans, as they are just so overwhelmingly full of themselves and so dum, dum, de de dum.