
  • Updated:April 1, 2010 11:43 pm
  • Last visit:Yesterday at 7:06 pm
  • Member Since:May 22, 1999 10:12 pm
Only God is able to humble us without humiliating us and to exalt us without flattering us.

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Jan de Hartog
The Peaceable Kingdom
Paula Deens or Southern Living
Iwanna (NC newspaper)
I like the period movies, things like Jane Austin has written like Rebecca. I also like Withering Heights. Those sort of movies.
History Channel ID Keeping up appearances Anything that makes me laugh, and not everything is funny on tv. In fact, most of it is stupid.
Robert Denaro George Clooney Michael Douglas Uma Thurman
Oldies Flutes (Indian sounds) Roger Whittiker Classic Country Some praise and worship blues/dixie jazz
Can't remember all of their names.
Give me country every time!, mountains by a rambling creek
popcorn, pizza, thai food

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