• Updated:August 29, 2011 1:32 am
  • Last visit:October 27, 2017 11:27 pm
  • Member Since:June 13, 2007 1:30 am
I am located a little ways north of the American border, and I am about 16 miles away from the direct "center line" of Canada. No, for those south of the border that want to ask, I don't know Joe, I don't live in an igloo, and yes, we gave you Basketball because we didn't want it once we found out how much better hockey was.
January 7
Hang with friends, outdoors, sports, travel is a must in life. Winnipeg Jets? About time they came back!
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 20)
I hate office work. I tried that. I run my own paving stone company. It keeps me busy. It also gives me a work out while I'm at work. It gives me a tan. It lets me be my own boss.
I am quiet, I don't like being around large crowds of people unless there is some sort of chant of; "Go Canada Go" going on.
4 wheels, Leather, All options...
Why? Who wouldn't prefer a woman instead?

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I wear what I find comfy. That means I might wear a sweater in the evening when it's insanely hot outside - I don't sweat while wearing it. Most of the time I'm found in sports related attire.
Religion? Some of Christ's most harsh words were for the religious. "Christian" is far different than religion.
Canadian to the core.
You could say Liberals are off their rocker, but to be off it, they had to at one time be on it...
Woman are an amazingly beaufitul creation.
I am probably about the most single person you could find.
If I have any, I'd like to know about it! I have none, I won't until I'm in love either.
Personal ad? I tell people I'm Shrek's stunt double.


Bible, Titanic related books..., Auto's and Bios...
Action, Comedy, Mystery, The odd chick flick can actually be good..., Transformers...yum yum yum
Simpsons, a classic.
Owen Wilson, Anne Hathaway
Christian, Other music I don't mind, if it do.n't mock God,
Hockey, Football
Winnipeg Jets, New England Patriots
Italian, Mexican, Steak