Alex De Endriago (Ku...

Alex De Endriago (Kumori90)

Alex De Endriago (Kumori90)
  • Updated:December 21, 2009 7:24 pm
  • Last visit:January 31, 2010 9:45 pm
  • Member Since:November 20, 2009 11:44 pm
Lurking deep in the darkness, watching with envy as the world passes me by...
November 17
Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)
Student....for now....
Fate is such a fickle thing, one small action can cause such disaster

Profile Ads


around 100-120 or so
Red or Cherry Blonde
Bite me, I dress the way I dress
My own beliefs, not religion!
Bi-Sexual and taken
With the most wonderful GF!
I wish in the future, but not right now


Twilight Saga
Twilight Saga, X-Men, Harry Potter, LotR, Star Wars
Naruto, Scrubs, Bleach, Helsing, Ghost Hunters, NCIS
Flyleaf, Disturbed, Ludacris, Eminem
PIZZA, BEEF TACOS!, Certain Asian Foods