
  • Updated:December 2, 2014 6:08 pm
  • Last visit:April 3, 2020 4:07 pm
  • Member Since:June 24, 2011 7:00 pm
Beautiful, BC ....it says so on our license plates!
If I tell it all here I'll have bugger all left to chat about!
I do stuff that needs doing, I call it work. They give me money, they call it pay ......I work too hard!
It's easier to believe than it is to understand.
I have a Dodge pickup, but my favourite ride is my VTX 1300.

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200 lbs
I don't own a tie ....does that help?

Black goes with everything.
An Agnostic will admit to the possibility of an invisible man living in the boarded up house next door.
A Theist will tell you the man's name, nature, personality, history, intentions, morals, what he thinks, wants and is capable of!
I'm an Atheist because I know the house is empty, and I can prove it :o)

Insanity is believing that your own hallucinations are real......Religion is believing that the hallucinations of others are real!
Bit of a red neck to some, I guess?
The Truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off!

Democracy is the privilege of voting on the hood ornament for the car that's going to run you over anyway!

When injustice becomes law ......rebellion becomes duty!

If "Government" is the answer, then it was a stupid question!!

Thinking that Government will change and start working for the people, is like expecting the Mafia to end crime.
I've never been to the Orient ...what makes them special, I don't get it?
I'm not updating this every weekend!!
Roast at 380 for 45 minutes
Lost One Dog

- Smells really bad
- Only has one eye and one ear
- Missing a hind leg and limps on its left front.
- Missing hair from mange spots on rump
- Missing most of its teeth, drools and has bad breath
- Answers to the name "Lucky"


I like that one guy ....he wrote that book thingy.
I like ones with pictures
role them up and they are good for swatting flies.
Good for making pirate hats.
Hope it was a pretty girl, they strip best!
I watch them
Just like movies, with commercials