
  • Updated:November 17, 2018 3:56 pm
  • Last visit:Today at 3:01 am
  • Member Since:June 29, 1999 9:35 pm
Port Angeles, Washington
November 26
~Grand children and Great Grand children
~Animals-Cats, Dogs, Horses, Chickens, Hummingbirds, All other birds, most other animals.
~Refinishing furniture purchased at discount sales (yard, estate, goodwills)
~Sewing, and rug hooking on large frame to make wall hangings or designer rugs
~Fishing in lakes, ocean, rivers
~Burmese cat breeder, seller and attended shows for 24 years
~Am retired nurse and loved job, also 20 years as Telephone
Operator in many different states. Loved that occupation also.
~Flipped several houses and enjoy doing cosmetic improvements.
~Reading books, medical journals, animal publications
~Cooking and canning produce
~Enjoyed travel before developed so much osteoarthritis that can't
~Enjoy being a loaner ie no joining clubs, social groups or churches
~Enjoy visiting with others on PC in different environments
~Fun to learn new things
Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)
Telephone Operator-retired
RN--nursing home--retired
Old Chrysler Van but I loved my '82 Long Bed Toyota Pickup until it had almost 300,000 miles
D RPGon't know what that is.

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5' 6"
Too old to think about it much...usually T-shirt and Levi's/leggings
Spiritual but not necessarily a church-goer
Europe mixture
Married (have been 3 times)
Two daughters, 12 Grands, 4 Great Grands