Mir (LadyMiranda3)

Mir (LadyMiranda3)

Mir (LadyMiranda3)
  • Updated:March 5, 2013 6:30 am
  • Last visit:Today at 6:56 am
  • Member Since:February 24, 2001 12:40 am
New York City
January 17
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 20)
"She lacks confidence, she craves admiration insatiably. She lives on the reflections of herself in the eyes of others She does not care to be herself."
- Anais Nin

"Life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about."
- Oscar Wilde

"Life is like playing a violin in public and learning the instrument as one goes on."
- Samuel Butler

"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."
- Sir Winston Churchill

"The unexamined life is not worth living for man."
- Socrates

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."
- Harvey Fierstein

"So the days pass, and I ask myself whether one is not hypnotized, as a child by a silver globe, by life, and whether this is living."
- Virginia Woolf

"The great art of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even in pain."
- Lord Byron

"Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh."
- G.B. Shaw

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
- Albert Einstein

"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live"
- Conte Vittorio Alfieri


"Shake life by the ass and drink it down in greedy gulps. Anything else is sleepwalking."



"O, when she's angry, she is keen and shrewd!
She was a vixen when she went to school;
And though she be but little, she is fierce."

--A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act III, scene ii.


"There was in him a vital scorn
Of all:
As if the worst had fallen
Which could befall,
He stood a stranger in this
Breathing world,
An erring spirit from another
A thing of dark imaginings,
That shaped
By choice the perils he
By chance escaped."

--Lord Byron, 1814


"The skies they were ashen and sober;
The leaves they were crisped and sere—
The leaves they were withering and sere;
It was night in the lonesome October
Of my most immemorial year..."

--Edgar Allan Poe


"What can I say?....
You either believe or you don't. It is of no consequence to me.....
I am not cruel enough to build your dreams...or destroy them.
C'est moi.....bienvenue!"

--Lestat de Lioncourt


"I don't believe in any thing and *that* makes me stronger than you think."

--Lestat de Lioncourt


"It is not sex that gives the pleasure, but the lover."

--Marge Piercy


"Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much."

--Oscar Wilde
Adrienna Medici - Childe of Julian Sands (Dalton)
Aminta Min - Pixie
Aurèle Ryan Guillaume - Angel #3
Breena Quinn - Wanderer (Creachann)
Cion Donovan - Queen of Cordaire
Dakotah Mochrie - Heir to Nuall
Elisé Seán Guillaume - Angel #2
Etienne Bruyere - Guard (Laaland)
Esme Coenred - "Sept" Member (Cordaire)
Jean-Michel Fournier - Guard (Laaland)
Maizelle Aine Guillaume - Angel #1
Maya - Slave (Jewelled of Souls)
Mordan Mochrie - Heir to Nuall
Morgaine Athol - Queen of Solange
Nádë - Elven Elementalist
Orla - Witch (Solange)
Rafael delaRose - Elder Vampire (Solange)
Terrwyn Saeth - Archer
Thaddeus Fortney - Pirate
Tiva - Guildmaster of Assassins Guild (Nuall)
Vincent Medici - Barister (Dalton)
Zora McCool Guillaume - Madame of the Petit Plaisirs (Cordaire)

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J.R.R. Tolkein, Stephen King, Anne Rice, Laurell K. Hamilton, Jacqueline Carey/Edgar Allen Poe
Vampire Chronicles - Rice Kushiel Trilogy - Carey Lord of the Rings - Tolkein Vampire Hunter - Hamilton
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