Rebelion1 (Shadowreb)

Rebelion1 (Shadowreb)

Rebelion1 (Shadowreb)
  • Updated:October 30, 2009 6:23 am
  • Last visit:June 4, 2009 9:51 pm
  • Member Since:August 4, 2005 12:14 am
In my chair, typing.
I chose non profit because my occupation was not listed. The truth is I make very little money after taxes and gas and no cost of living increase to help with either. I seem to end up being in arts and entertainment no matter what I enter. Go figure.
Corner host in the corner no one pays attention to.

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ha ha, you think I'd tell the truth? Best not to answer.
redish brown, but has blond streaks
tee shirt and jeans. A shiny green British motorcycle, a white jacket, white gloves and a red and white Joust Fulmer Helmet. Other than that, I'm naked.
I believe
Native American
Politics? yuck
I orientate toward men
single, but am free spirit
Punkin and Molly. My four legged fuzzy friends. Rest in peace Molly. Punkin and I miss you and love you.
Help wanted cleaning spokes.