Finsternis (oda1986)

Finsternis (oda1986)

Finsternis (oda1986)
  • Updated:October 30, 2009 4:15 am
  • Last visit:January 12, 2013 6:07 pm
  • Member Since:January 16, 2000 10:06 am
Upstate N.Y.
April 11
Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)
"Ich bin der Mann, der allein läuft, und, wenn ich die dunkle Straße ein wenig nervöses laufe, wenn es dunkle Angst der Finsternis, Angst der Finsternis ich ist, die beständige Angst habe, daß einige Ein mir zuschaut." (Eiserne Mädchen Angst der Finsternis)

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1.82 m
100 kg
Schwarzes Hemd, Schwarz Hose, Schwarz Mantel.
Geboren wieder Juggalo
Befürchten Sie die Finsternis, nicht oder sollen Sie Sie? :)


Troy Denning, Ed Greenwood, R. A. Salvatore, Harry Turtledove, Stephen King
The Dark elves Trilogy, The Chystal Shard Trilogy, The Cleric Quintet, The Guns of the south, The World War Series, The Harper Series, The Druid home Trillogy, The Moonshae Trillogy, The Gunslinger Series.
Dragon, Dungeon, WWF, Yahoo, Computer World, Incite.
Register Star, Times Union, N.y. Post.
The Blair Witch, Blair Witch 2, Conan the Barbarian, Excalibur, Brave heart, Blade, Vampires, From Dusk til Dawn, All the dead:Night, Dawn, Day, ReturnI-III, evilI-III;Platoon, Saving private Ryan, In the line of Duty, Some where in time, Stop or my mom will shoot, Austin Powers the spy who shagged me.
Red Dwarf, Star Trek, Voyager, Ds9, South park, G vrs. E, X-files, Xenna, East enders, The young ones, Bottom, Dr. Who, Space Above and beyond, Friends, Cheers, MASH, Babalyon 5, Space 1999, Three Stooges.
Mel Gipson, Mike Myers, Keanu Reeves, Clint Eastwood, Danny Glover, Tom Baker, Peter Davidson, John Pertwee
Any but country
Icp, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbeth, Ozzy, Pink Floid, Dio, Run Dmc, Method man, Ice-t, Van Halen, Wagner, Bac, Boc, Genocide II
NFL Football(Yea baby)
SF 49er's (Go niners!!!)
Lake George N.Y. , Dudley Uk, Disney World.
Pop rocks & Coke,Pizza(Mushroom,and sausage),Tacco bell(Beureato Supreame),Chicken and Dumplings,Onion Calzones,Liver and Onions,Stuffed Peppers,Chilli,Wopper(W/ extra onions,and mayo),Chip buddies,Scratchings,and Black Forrest cake.