Carol Ann (Knit_Chat)

Carol Ann (Knit_Chat)

Carol Ann (Knit_Chat)
  • Updated:May 22, 2014 2:00 pm
  • Last visit:Yesterday at 10:03 am
  • Member Since:May 24, 2001 11:52 am
Planet Earth in the Milky Way galaxy
Caregiver to [3] grandchildren
Member: Community Support Team


"Never decide to give up on a knitting project just because of the
time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway."

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Knitting for Family

1. Supersized Diagonal Blanket - Kate - done ¬
2. Square Root blankie - Amy & Ben - ¬
3. Lucy Bag - Carol - Ë
4. Moderne Log Cabin afghan - Becky - Ë
5. Doll clothes - Gwen -  Ë
6. Lucy Bag - Carol - Ë
7. Shawl heavy - Carol - Ë
8. -  - ¬
9.  -  - Ë
10. -  - Ë

Finished Projects:


4.  ü

finished ü
in progress
not started