jazzy (jazzy1111)

jazzy (jazzy1111)

jazzy (jazzy1111)
  • Updated:May 16, 2016 6:04 pm
  • Last visit:Today at 12:02 am
  • Member Since:July 6, 2001 7:20 pm
"you better get yourself together---and join the human race" --j. Lennon

"For every beauty, there is an eye somewhere to see it.
For every love, there is a heart somewhere to receive it."
--unknown, and stolen from a very good friend's profile.

KÃnntest Du schwimmen
Wie Delphine
Delphine es tun
Niemand gibt uns eine Chance
Doch wir kÃnnen siegen
FÃr immer und immer
Und wir sind dann Helden
FÃr einen tag

~David Bowie


"Let a simile be like your umbrella."


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brown with auburn highlights
jeans; dressing up
interested in religion
definitely left.
If you don't want me to argue about your political views, then PLEASE do not bring them up.
straight but adamant defender of gay rights.
I feel that the very most one can expect from exclusively online communication is friendship, sometimes good friendship. That is the most I hope for, though I've achieved it only with a few. Not available for anything other than friendship; already in a committed relationship.
I am honest about what I am open about; I am open about what I am honest about.


James Joyce, other 20th century modernists, Tobias Wolff, A. J. Liebling, lots more
Ulysses, musicology, history, culture, and on and on...
New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly
Glorious, shimmering, black and white
20's -60's jazz, rock, funk, blues
Mingus, Miles, Monk, Muddy Waters, Mister Buddy Guy, Bill Evans, Count Basie, Clifford Brown, jimi, Howlin' Wolf, kd lang, Stones, Liz Phair, DizzyMzLizzy, Al Green, Cream, the Who, Doors, Prince, Aretha, James Brown, Sarah Vaughan
the East!