
  • Updated:October 18, 2021 4:29 am
  • Last visit:September 14, 2024 11:43 pm
  • Member Since:October 9, 2006 2:54 am
southern california/st george utah
camping,fishing,sports,concerts, dancing, messing with cars, training dogs and volunteering at my city police dept
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 20)
Law Enforcement Volunteer
I'm not A BITCH, I am THE BITCH and thats MS BITCH to you

Bad Bitches dont chase, we replace,we fire and re-hire,we dont ask, we DEMAND

Your never good enough in the eyes of a woman with a mean streak....Y & T
1991 mustang gt 5.0
2000 GMC Sierra
2015 Chevy Silverado
2016 Chevy Tahoe
2016 Mustang gt 5.0

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light brown
everything from classy to hood ratt
yes there is a GOD
white with a slight tan and honorary latina
i vote
straighter then straight
married not buried
none . just a german shepard that acts like a kid
i aint a tiny girl, i got cruves, so if you want a twig go fuckk a tree


allistair mcclean
wired, entertainment weekly, nascar ilistrated
La Times, inland valley daily bulletin
garfield, babyblues
CSI, the first 48
clint eastwood
latin, rock, hip-hop, heavy metal
pitbull, moltey crue, metallica, alice cooper
nascar, baseball, football, basketball, pool, golf, bowling, paintball
Dallas Cowboys, Hendrick Motor Sports, dale earnhardt JR, Tony Stewart, Los Angeles Dodgers, Los Angeles Lakers
central california, las vegas, southern utah