higgette (higget)

higgette (higget)

higgette (higget)
  • Updated:December 2, 2021 11:20 pm
  • Last visit:Yesterday at 11:14 pm
  • Member Since:October 24, 2001 6:35 pm
Port Stanley, Ontario, Canada
December 6
Reading, Gardening, Cooking and Baking and other stuff old people do.
Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)
I think I'm retired now but I'm not sure.
Be careful what you wish for.

Screw 'em all but ten and save them for pall bearers.

Most things are better than a kick up the bum with a frozen boot.
My feet, but sometimes they don't work so well anymore so there's always the designated driver.
Bugs Bunny

My Favorite Forums


Slowly increasing. they tell me that's age.
Growing old gracefully so it's somewhat grey.
T-shirts and yoga pants. I'm an old woman who is getting fat. (Not really)
Sleeping. I'm a Sleepatarian.
Profoundly Canadian
If I lean any further to the left I will fall over.
Huh? I forget.
Very married
Two French Bulldogs and a husband.
As long as your lips don't move when you read you can be my friend.

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