
  • Updated:March 27, 2012 3:31 pm
  • Last visit:January 7, 2016 5:03 pm
  • Member Since:May 22, 2007 3:43 pm
Outside of Washington, DC
I like books, musics, running, and watersports.
Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 22)
Legal profession.
I am not here for a relationship or to trade photos or any such stuff. I am here because when I am on, I am thinking about and wanting to explore some of the other things that intrigue me. If you want details, ask. I'm not about drama.

Please be aware of the following chatters--all men posing as women: Julie019, ThatGirl33, Springrose99, Michellevan25, tccivic, temucoa diaperedgirl1, Lonely728 (whose name is Roger), and lindasue, and Wendy_Utah (real name Zachary). amanda_jones, melinda_scott, kassismith, angelfish10/dancingestelle. Also Highly Suspicous: Christinethegirl and Gymnasium.I will continue to post names of those who misrepresent themselves and take advantage of the unsuspecting.

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dark brown
fancy for work, not fancy for home
American and Thai
Previously (still ?)bi, prefer guys.
Not in a relationship, date sometimes
Someday, yes. Today, no.