
  • Updated:December 21, 2012 6:47 am
  • Last visit:December 21, 2012 6:45 am
  • Member Since:June 27, 2008 10:20 pm
I am originalle from Europe, but now reside in Australia.

my old home is Bakio. (we say like Baquio) ..Bilbao area - Pais Vasco (Basque Country) - Vizcaya - (Euskadi) Euskal Herria!! and you do not know where this is? Is a wonderful place!

Euskal Herria - Basque Homeland

Our Basque language is known as Euskara and sometimes as Vascuense, which is very old terminology.
Our language is spoken in the Biscay region by about 850,000 people in Espana (Spain) near the French-Spanish border. Some say we have a slight French sound to our accents.

Utz ezazue hitza erabiltzeari, Sabinoren Arana Goiri asmakeri zentzugabea da, gure herria EUSKJAL HERRIA deitzen da.

ETA ez/no, Independantzia bai/si/yes

Gora Euskadi!! ("Long Live a Free Basque Country")

Pozten nau zu ezagutzeak! Ask me what this means.
January 2
My main interest is my surfing, I have surfed since I was very little and for a girl I am good, jajaja and better than many guys.

Horrelakoa da Bizitza - haha. Así es la vida.

"Music is the language of us all!!" - for my friends who love music. I am mucho más feliz to be you friend.

I love the best Musiks Stream in Chat, so go listen, huh.. it is

Get Real Player to hear the DJ's Stream, it at
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 20)
Scientific/Research. I hold degrees in Science and Marine Biological Sciences - same path. Five years of disipline study! But I am no longer in that field.

But now we buy/renovate/sell-rental houses - a good living.

"It's not a crime to have blonde hair and slanty eyes"

...... my main thing in my life is that I surf, that is I ride surfboards. I have 6 of them, and i have been riding since i was 10... I do ok for a chica... guys get pissed of when a girl outsurfs them... i love it...

I am total against smoking (have never dated a smoker, and never will), I am very anti-drugs, but I like my local Sangria and these locale dry whites wines - Geteriako Txakolina (Chacoli de Guetaria) and Bizkaiako Txacolina (Chacoli de Voxcaya). Kewlioz!

"I live the life I love.... and I love the life I live."

What I really dislike most is guys who drop in on your wave when I surf, and guys who cannot handle a girl who outsurfs them.

Everybody is ignorant only on different subjects. So if the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.

Major Dislikes in Some Chat Rooms:
Owners and Moderators who are control freak and who bully the chatters...ohhh and...
...and skeptics, ..they are just rude as well as ignorant. Some must have very lonely saddened lives.

but.... to be positive.....Pozten nau zu ezagutzeak !!!
Ask me what this means.. jaja..
Subaru Forester XL AWD Touring Wagon.. it's a fun car, but in Europe I had a Citroen C4 Deisel.
Explore new places and remember to smile enjoy new places and say a nice "hi" or "kaixo" to the locals as it never costs anything to be friendly. Soooooo....if you smile with the world the world smiles with you.

Yes?.... so we agree.

My Favorite Forums

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never worry 'bout it
blonde (duh)
Wear what you like to wear and don't be a slave to the fahion gurus.
I now use Delphi Journal in muy profile, so you can see Basque surf and oddities.

Proudly Basque from Baquio.... wild tempered and passionate from the Basque side of my familie.

The Basques are the people of Northern Spain, in regions called by us as "Euskadi". We are mainly distinguished from all other civilizations by our ancient customs, traditions, games, and language. The Basques loved freedom and it showed in their laws and mottos. Here is one of their favorite mottos, "Neither slave nor tyrant." This means you should not be a slave or a bad leader.

One theory is that they were possibly the ancestors of ancient gypsy tribes. The Basques had democratic elections to vote for groups of Peolleca Ued Juntas. The Juntas were the main ruling people. They found the family very important and because of this they in a very important set of laws which said their family unit was permanent. These laws were called primogeniture.

The Basque language is different from all other languages. They called their language the Euskara. Scientist have tried to link it to many other languages but have found no common origins. After the Spanish Civil War Francisco Franco tried to stop the Basque people from using their language and partly succeeded. Most modern Basques speak traditional Euskara, Spanish, French and English. Our accent to many is very "french sounds".

In the third and fifth, centuries the Basques were introduced to Catholicism. Since then they have remained strictly Roman Catholics. Sometimes they have even had to fight to remain catholic!

Because the Basques were cut off from the rest of the world by their harsh environment they had to make up ,stories of what was to seem the world beyond and who created the world. In making these stories they developed great folk tales and legends. There after they became very fond of folk lore. Now today they are noted for their incredible folk law stories.

The Basque people are also noted for their acrobatic-like dancing and their games. One of their favorite games was jai alai. It is played with a wooden ball in an enclosed area. When they are dancing they were a red or blue cap called a beret (boina). It is part of ancient religion that is still practiced today.

The Basque and Castile representatives met under an oak tree in Guemica pass laws. Later these laws became the traditional laws and the oak tree became a symbol of self rule for the Basques. The oak tree, called Guernikako Arbola, was later destroyed, but a new tree grew and is believed to be from one of the seeds of the original tree. It is now the symbol of self rule.

Many of the Basques have left their homeland of Euskadi and migrated to Australia (as my grandparents had done, and my "gram" returned to Basque Country when her husband, my grandfather died. She now owns a successful restaurant specialize in traditional Basque cooking with seafood specialties like Paelas, Bacalao al Pil-Pil, Marmitako and Txipirones.

Many Basques have moved to North and South America. Of the ones that move to North America many have become sheep herders in the western states of California, Nevada, and Wyoming. An estimation of the migrants to South America is 250,000 and in the United States 150,000.

In Australia there are over 40,000. Some of my famile is now part of this migration, although I have not officially migrated. My own famile is located in USA, UK, Australia and still here in Euskadi. Now I am married to an Australian, we moved there in late 2007. I still do not hold Australian migration status.

When our independence one day is granted from Spain and France, the dream is that many of these people will move to have a big festival in Euskadi.

The Basques are a people with an interesting culture. They survived attacks, were taken over by various groups, and their culture is still around today to show for it. They lived in a society where they were cut off completely from other cultures, but still managed to create new technology. In conclusion, the Basques were one of the strongest cultures ever, surviving from the first century B.C. until today.

Hope you learn something, jajajaja.

Euskararen eta Euskal Kulturaren Komunitatea nortasun handiko komunitatea da, errealitate historiko, linguistiko, kultural, sozial eta politikoa duena. Euskara da, gure komunitatearen hizkuntza, komunitatearen beraren oinarria. Euskal kultura, berriz, euskararen adierazpen soziala da.

Euskara da, Iberiar Penintsulan bizirik dirauen erromatarren aurreko hizkuntza bakarra da. Munduaren luze zabalean, hizkuntzalari asko saiatu dira haren jatorria zehazten, baina hizkuntza bakartutzat hartzen da oraindik. Eta ezaugarri berezi horiekin eta eremu urriko hizkuntza izanik ere, euskarak eta euskal hiztunek garaian garaiko erronkei erantzuteko gaitasuna nabarmen erakutsi dute. Interneten ere, presentzia nabarmena du euskarak, euskararen ezagutza eta erabilera maila oinarri hartuta, hizkuntza guztien artean 38.a baita

Euskararen adierazpen sozialak, euskal kulturak, aurpegi asko ditu. 1545Ean lehen liburua [ Bernart Etxepare-ren 'Linguae Vasconum Primitiae' ] argitaratu zenetik, euskarazko literatura, bertsolaritza, euskal dantza, musika eta bestelako adierazpen guztien ibilbidea esanguratsua eta berritzailea izan da.

Internetek ere, adierazpen sozial horri bide ematen dio, izaera eta helburu ezberdineko komunitateei agerpen propioa eskaintzen baitie. Baina Interneteko edukiak ere gero eta anitzagoak diren garaiotan, hizkuntzak Interneteko komunikaziorako tresna nagusia izaten jarraitzen du.

Testuinguru horretan, euskararen Interneteko izanari, egungo existentziari, izena jartzea da .eus domeinuaren helburua. Hori lortu nahi du: EEKKren izena sortzeari, EEKKren existentzia bera berrelikatzeko.
I would like to see a Basque Independence, but without the violence of ETA. I am a non-violent person, and I dont like the destruction aspect or faction of ETA.

I would like freedom. Gora Euskadi!! ("Long Live a Free Basque Country")
100% hetro, I married a guy who keeps me this way. ha
I have a wondeful man, who is an Aussie, and who is gorgeous. My Bwad.
"I live the life I love.... and I love the life I live."

Explore new places and remember to smile enjoy new places and say "hi" or "kaixo" to the locals as it never costs anything to be friendly. Soooo,.. If you smile with the world the world smiles with you.


Being Popular Doesn't Mean Everything, But Being Everything To Someone is A Big Achievement
anything Jackie Chan... he is so funny
not really a tv addict
Denzil Washington, Samuel L. Jackson, Brad Pitt, Russell Crowe, Adam Sandler, Jet Li.
I ADORE Cat Empire and Watussi.. I have too many to list in full but we can try. Ben Harper, Keb Mo, Betagarri, Berri Txarrak, Jarabe De Palo, Cat Empire, Jack Johnson, Enya, Youssou Ndour, Esto Mallicha, Xantia-Maria Assante, Smashmouth, His Imperial Majesty, Santana, REM, Gypsy Kings, Daen Santa el Gracos, Jose-Che Menitez, Lorenzo Canquez, Richard Clapton, Diesel and so many more.
I surf on my board and I live for my love of surfing and taming the waves. It is said that surfing sometimes has a bigger adrenaline rush than sex!!... but only sometimes. Only a true surfer knows this. I like to play Jai Alai and Pelote. I like to watch Rugby (both codes) and sometimes Equestrian events like show jumping.
Athletico Bilbao Futbol and Bilbo Toros (Bulls) Rugby league, Biarritz Olympique Pays Basque Club de Rugby
Australia! …... and I love the good duty free shopping and fashion shops in Hong Kong ... and the yummo food there.
Hot spicey local Basque seafood. Paela. plus Asian dishes. Euskadi, Northern Spain is a "foodies" heaven. I like lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, too., Basigoko Txakolina is the best Restaurante in Bakio!