Laelia (Laelia_Kaliba)

Laelia (Laelia_Kaliba)

Laelia (Laelia_Kaliba)
  • Updated:August 14, 2014 9:06 am
  • Last visit:October 14, 2017 12:57 am
  • Member Since:January 1, 2009 6:42 pm
Tyran. Sometimes in New Arisalon, and sometimes in Black Thorn Keep.
Weapons, armour, magic, breeding/selling horses, military strategy, conquest, history
Holds the rank of Commander in New Arisalon's Kaliban Army
Inferno. A temperamental oxblood bay stallion. Heavy warhorse. Champion breeder. Mean.

Terryn. A large male griffon, who is sometimes shared between Laelia and her mother Rosewyn.
This profile currently exists for Tyran. Other incarnations of Laelia in other games are subject to changes.

In Tyran: Rank N11 255HP 105DMG

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Ice Blue
Platinum Blonde
Being a soldier, Laelia is rarely seen without the black and gold uniform of the Kaliban army. She prefers to wear field plate armour crafted of adamantite, (armour comprised of sturdy metal plates over large surface areas, and chainmail at the joints) as it is not as heavy as full plate and grants more maneuverability.

When she is off duty, or is not requiring her armour, prefers to wear 'men's' clothing that has been tailored and decorated with the female form in mind. She picks her clothing with function in mind, and will balk at wearing anything she believes will inhibit her ability to fight effectively. She prefers black mixed with bold colours.

It is very unlikely that Laelia will ever be caught in a dress, much to her father's pride and her mother's chagrin. Many arguments between Laelia and Rosewyn Kaliba have stemmed from Laelia's refusal to wear gowns on occasions where it would be appropriate. Many has been the social gathering where Laelia has attended dressed in full military regalia (completely appropriate for a man) as befits an officer, rather than the feminine attire that would befit a lady.

It is unlikely that anyone could convince Laelia to wear a dress unless it were necessary for covert operations. Rosewyn has often been heard lamenting that one could not even force Laelia to wear a gown for her own wedding - were she to ever show interest in such things.

Laelia's sword is a finely crafted blade forged from starmetal, or meteorite. It is a bastard sword, meaning that it is designed to be wielded either one handed or two handed. The advantage of this, is that one hand can be left free for spell casting or holding a shield, and if more force with the weapon is needed, the hilt can be gripped with two hands to add momentum to a strike.
"No god will rule me. I determine my fate by my own actions."
Human-Caucasian, of Arisalonian descent.
A ruler's responsibility is to see to the needs of his or her people. If a ruler is incapable or apathetic, then no line of heredity or lineage is strong enough to elicit her support.
A most awkward relationship with Mordred Vargo.
Descending from the mighty Arisalon, an Empire of magic-wielding warriors, Laelia was expected at a young age to excel at things that her peers could not. Her warrior father, Arc Kaliba, began training her for battle from the time she was strong enough to hold a sword. By the time she was eight years old, Laelia mastered simple cantrip spells, and by the age of fourteen she was able to cast defense and offensive spells geared mostly towards combat. Also by that time, Laelia was expected to train with the adult soldiers, and to put cocky recruits, several years older than she, in their places by defeating them in their first fight and teaching them to never judge your adversary by age or appearance.

Standing at her father's right hand, she was taught strategy and assisted in battle planning until she was promoted to Lieutenant, and given her own small contingent of soldiers to lead.

Laelia's mother, Rosewyn D'Aleksia, did her best to instill Laelia with a good moral compass; a strong sense of right and wrong. Though sometimes confused between her parents' conflicting messages on morals, at one time Laelia was somewhat led by youthful idealism and a rose-coloured view of the world. But she has seen battle. She has seen and fought horror and emerged from that much stronger like tempered steel being pulled from a forge.

This tempered heart that provides her strength to stand back up after being knocked down. To continue her endeavours when injured, or discouraged. To trust that she was born for battle, and that her responsibility is to shape the world around her for the better with steel and magic.

Now, just out of her teenage years, Laelia no longer has such a positive view of the world. Her philosophies have evolved to value the progress of mankind. She believes this to be most efficiently possible through the implementation of law and order, though realizes that sometimes chaos is needed to facilitate change.

She has developed an intolerance for what she views as incompetence and can be impatient or unkind when confronted with immature antics or those she just plain does not like.