
  • Updated:April 8, 2012 2:42 am
  • Last visit:March 23, 2013 12:16 am
  • Member Since:February 17, 2009 11:21 am
Mystic Worlds RPG
Name - Octavian Bale
Race - Vampire (Blue-Blood); formerly Human
Vampire Lineage - Sire (Mira)
Class - Mercenary
Apparent Age - Late 30's ; Actual Age - 55
Height - 6'3"
Weight - 230 lbs.
Build - Athletic/muscular
Hair Color - Dark, with streaks of red
Eye Color - Green/Red when in blood lust
Skin Tone - Medium complexion
Known Languages - Telepathic w/ Other Vampires, Common, Namuh, Demonic

Personality: Proud, with a slight ego, asocial, revengeful, cold, lacks normal sense of humor and empathy (only sadistic humor). Aggressive if angered. Disdainful of most people (but he is selective). Articulate though reserved.

History - Once a 'Legionary Soldier' in service to a foreign Empire, Octavian was a renowned general and swordsmen, known as much as for his martial prowess as he was for his debauchery, on and off the field of battle. His eccentric ways, would lead him to eventually being expelled from the military and stripped of all prior rank and honors. The loss of his station sent Octavian spiraling into depression and self loathing. He would leave the Empire and begin wandering, sustaining himself as a mercenary sword-for-hire. It would be during these years of wandering and exile when he would take a contract that would change and irrevocably alter his existence.

The contract for all intent and purposes was simple. Protect a caravan and it's passenger. The passenger that he was to protect would be the 'Lady' Mira. Unbeknown to him, his charge was an Elder vampire who had the ability and allure to enrapture men with a single look. The Caravan was attacked by a rival faction seeking Mira's life for past transgressions. The attackers were unlike anything Octavian had faced in all his days on the field of battle, but the old veteran would not allow himself to be defeated. In the heat of conflict he found himself and purpose again only to be struck from behind by one of the lecherous assailants.

A blade buried in his back and his blood pouring from the wound, Octavian would not relent as the attackers closed in on the caravan. He would hold the assailants at bay before blood loss drove him into unconsciousness. As darkness sought to overtake him, Octavian would notice the 'Lady' Mira step from her coach. He would awaken with Mira was standing over him. Each of the attackers were broken and strewn about. Octavian opened his eyes to the vision of an angel, terrible in her vengeance and beyond compare in her beauty. She posed one question, "Continue at my side for eternity as my champion and regain some of your former glory, or remain as you are, and let a cold thankless life and death be yours."

Octavian would accept her offer and from that night on, he would never grow older than what he was and would forever be cursed by the sun, but he again had a purpose and could find meaning and glory, even if he was now one of the living dead.

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