pbwizard (pbwizard2)

pbwizard (pbwizard2)

pbwizard (pbwizard2)
  • Updated:October 21, 2013 10:36 am
  • Last visit:February 17, 2020 5:33 am
  • Member Since:November 7, 2009 11:29 am
New York, Isle of Long
October 30

white water sports

drummer in a pipe band
Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)
Retired Law Enforcement
take a chance!!! hey...you never know!!! ;-}}}

Actually a member since 12/98 but Delphi changed
me to a "2" in 2009.
Hyundai Santa Fe awd
It's hard enough being myself and
I have been called a character at times!!!

Profile Ads


185 and falling
Baby blue
brown with some gray
blue jeans and sneakers when i can...
kilt during the season...bathing suit
and sandals when I am away...oh...I also
look good when i am fancied up in a tux.
Christian....I believe
I'm an 'ish'....english, irish
scottish and dutch ish.
Come on....take a chance!!!!