
  • Updated:October 28, 2012 5:55 pm
  • Last visit:January 7, 2017 6:49 pm
  • Member Since:October 18, 2010 6:40 pm
The State of Confusion
April 11
Reading, Writing, Gaming, Ren Faires, Comics, Movies
Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)
I work at a pathology lab working on databases, and yes, I am also a writer.
Death is lighter than a feather, Duty is heavier than a mountain.
Just a car... who cares?

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I'm a jeans and tshirt guy. I have more graphic t's than anything.
Religion... bah. What ever you believe, however you commune, that is between you and your god/goddess. Me... I keep leaning towards Norse Myths.

I mean... look at their afterlife! You fight all day, and even if you die, you get resurected and drink and party all night long!
I'm not black like Barry White, no I am white like Frank Black is.
Politicians are the most dishonest people in the world. Destroy them all!!
Straight as can be.
One little rugrat... he is my Mini Me.
Hell, I have no personal ad... if I tried to sell myself, you'd all demand your money back.


David Eddings, Robert Jordan, Ed Greenwood, Terry Brooks, R.A. Salvatore
Wheel of Time Series, Bow & Blade, Storm Rising, The Belgariad, Shanara Series
Braveheart, Iron Man, Iron Man 2
Big Bang Theory, Fatal Attractions, The Colony, Deadliest Warrior