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Updated:April 29, 2016 8:51 am
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A Child's hidden pain
poem 1 of a Child's hidden pain
Deep within my heart I search
for answers of feelings that i hurt.
Closing my eyes I try to find the
missing pieces that i left behind,
but do I find those missing pieces.
Yes I did and when I did tears
rolled out of my closed up eyes
making me cry from that of which
I tried to hide.
poem 2 of a Child's hidden pain
As a child I use to have secrets that
were very sad, but as I grew up into
man I opened up my heart to all.
In hopes to get my feelings out
I just gave a crying shout.
Now that I gave
a crying shout I feel better just about.
poem 3 of a Child's hidden pain
Here I sit within my room wondering
just what to do. Should I go out and
play or just stay here and wait for the
day to end or should I close my eyes
and fall asleep and dream of peace
and harmony. I don't know it is just a
terrible dream.
poem 4 of a Child's hidden pain
Here I am locked within
myself waiting
for to be set free from all my
pain that's just skin deep.
But do I escape my prison
walls Yes and No for I will
Remember all.
poem 5 of a Child's hidden pain
Here I am confused inside
not knowing
what to do. But wondering
what to do.
Should I close my
eyes and cry or just sit down
and die. I don't know I am just
poem 6 of a Child's hidden pain
How much pain can one kid stand can
he stand it until he's man or until he's
gone insane to where he causes himself
inflected wounds. How much pain can
one kid stand. I don't know for I am still here.
poem 7 of a Child's hidden pain
Pains of sorrow dwells in me when I
see a child having cruelty. Done of
a man who's heart is cold.
The child sits all alone within a shelter
of his mind, made up of memories of
pain that life is not worth living for.
They make there shield to hide there
pain that builds up within themselves.
Until they explode in tears crying that
they be set free. The only way that
they could see a great escape is through
death the long awaiting sleep of rest.
Some may take that great
escape but others will live in fear or pain wondering if life will ever end.
A child's hidden pain is a bunch of poems that i have made from my heart and through all the pain and sorrows i have endured growing up. I would like to dedicate these poems to all the people who have been abused in many ways than one as I have.
What my eye's can see.
Flowers and trees with bumble bees
this is what I see. As I walk upon this
land I just think of those first few men
who saw such beauty. Rolling hills and
fields of flowers.
This I wish my eyes can see.
The beauty of this land that is now
laid waste from white man's hand.
The trip of a little Boy
It's just another day among
the people of today. If anybody
wants to leave and go another
way I don't really mind. I'm
leaving anyway. I'm going to get
a little map so maybe I could find
another place to go. I'm not coming
back to this cold seasoned place.
You could follow me if you want.
I don't really care as long as you
aren't in my hair.
written by John Wheeler
April 13 1987
True Hero For All Who Searches
I use to search within this world for a
hero to help me with my toughest
times. As I search I find not one
who can help me out.
But one that will always let me
down and hurt me further more. My hope
of a hero seemed to fade away until one
day I Searched the right way. Within a
book I found my hero. He suffered upon
across spilling his blood for such a
sinner as I. When I read this
Wonderful book it gave me back
what man has took. There
my search was over my hero
is found. So
I prayed to Jesus set me free
comfort me and keep me. There
I asked my hero Jesus Christ to save
me from all my sinful ways.
My hero than came and wrapped
his spirit around me and sealed me
with his Holy
Ghost saying all is well for you
have come home and excepted
me as your Saviour.! I thanked my
hero Jesus Christ for being my true
bible story hero that will never let me
down and hurt me further more.
The Greatest Thing That I Have Done
As I contemplate upon the greatest
things that I have done. Looking
into the past could it be the way I
sing? No way that's a laugh. Looking
down the line. What about the way I
clown around? No I think it puts a frown
upon my face. Maybe it was the way I try
and help to make people feel better
when there down? No that couldn't be
the greatest thing that I have done.
Looking harder than before with a
tingle in my heart by golly I remember
what it was. Kneeling down I prayed to
God thank you Lord for your blood to
my salvation. The greatest thing that
I have done was excepting Jesus Christ
God's only Son into my heart and making
him my own personal Saviour that's the
greatest thing I've done.
all these poem has been © Copyright 2000 and they are protected all poems are written for the enjoyment of my viewers so please read them and enjoy
Written By John Wheeler