
  • Updated:August 2, 2011 5:36 am
  • Last visit:September 21, 2011 1:47 pm
  • Member Since:June 10, 2011 5:27 pm

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6 ft
Sandy brown. . .w/ silver edges
I am simply a man of the blues. . .have blown my harps for 40yrs. . .have a style very similar to Kim Wilson, Rod Piazza, and James Harmon. . .God bless em all!!
I wear blue or black jeans loose over my boots n I chill in a house coat n shorts. . .specially when I'm ill!!
Follow the teachings of the aboriginal elders!!. . .though I am white
Love the ladies. . .only . . .lol
divorced now 30 yrs!!
2. . .though I haven't been able to se them for 30 yrs
Love the blues n rebel country tunes. . .luv ta blow my harps!!. . .The way I see it, God/Creator gave me a gift with music an so when I get up on that stage. . .n reach out ta touch hearts with my music. . .I wanna tell the blessed truth!!. . .straight from the heart. . .the only reason any musician is up on that stage anyway is Bcuz of the peeps out there in the audience!!